Saturday, July 5, 2014

Living the nanny life is loads of fun!
I've been in New Zealand for about 2 weeks now and I'm slowly but surely embracing the kiwi lifestyle while also trying to seize every opportunity I have to try something new. This past week food wise I've tried lamb, fish & chips, and seafood chowder all of which have been absolutely amazing to my surprise. 2 weeks as a nanny and I'm exhausted and much looking forward to my adventure tomorrow with Nan. Any who I've got some great shots I've been meaning to post :) This one is mostly pictures as well.. You've been warned..

My beautiful bedroom put together by Shaun and Sheree my loving host parents.
Finn riding his toy horse in the sun room.

Making monster faces outside of the laundry room.

Skylar, as cool as a cucumber drinking his bottle on the couch.

Finn riding his big boy bike out front.

Beautiful sunset taken my 2nd day at the house.

Semi cloudy skies out looking Sheree's family farm.

Following the yellow brick road may lead me to Oz but following the Green grass road will lead me to sloping pastures and the home of hobbits :)

In the background we have Wairere falls. This waterfall is the second biggest on both islands at a staggering 178m tall. I hope to see it in person very soon.

Close up shot!

Here we have some of Sheree's dairy cows of the Jersey variety.

This cow is super sweet and jumps up and down excitedly whenever I come running down the road, I have decidedly named her Ngakau Marama which is Maori for light hearted.

Here we're getting a little artsy fartsy with some photo filters. This is a shot of the blown over barn that was taken out by a few huge gusts of wind.

Different angle and filter, same destroyed barn. New one is being put up today.

COWS!!! With at least 200 mini moo's expected to arrive through out this month.

Sunsets here are magnificent

I can picture hobbit holes nestled between the trees.

Gah, so beautiful.

Skylar loves to put everything in his mouth.

Finn hiding out under the blanket while we watch Jungle Junction.

Close up shot!! Look at that smile.

Playing with blocks is loads of fun!                                 Skylar prefers to eat them!

Look at that smile!!

Skylar's face when he's showing me his books.

This kid loves to snuggle!!

Almost drooled on me there haha

Block moustache

Cars taste like plastic but when your a baby whose teething I'm not sure taste really matters.

No Pants!

Finn and I makin faces :)

I love this picture

Skylar's gone fishin'

Looks like he caught something.

Big grin :)

Dat sky :D

I absolutely love the scenery here.

This picture makes me feel like I could be a photographer

My first Rainbow on the farm!
That's right! Its a full rainbow in all her glory! It took all my might to not chase the ends down to see if there might be a magical creature at the end waiting for me.
Well that's all I have to post right now. Thank you so much to everyone who has supported me through this journey. Special shout out to Jimbo who not only helped me to set up this blog but let me in on how to rotate photos haha. I hope you guys liked my photos, if you did let me know with a comment and be sure to create a Google+ account so that you can follow me and get updates whenever I decide to update my blog. PS I'm kinda lazy and often very busy but I'd love to hear from everyone and I will try to post as often as I can. Love you all, Madaleine.




  1. Great pics, Kid! Glad to see you were able to fix your pics. Keep 'em coming!

  2. See awesome shots. keep it up. I knew u would have fun.
